
Differential protection is generally applied to MV or HV motors with rating above 1000kW. This protection is normally of High Impedance Differential type which include simple Over current protection relay with 0.1A pick up and no time delay.
Basic working principle (for generator) is animated in following video :
Material / Equipment's required for test is as listed below :
Variac with high current rating is required to get proper CT secondary
current in controlled manner to conclude the stability / instability
present. If variac is not available, motor can be supplied from 3 phase 415V
In case of Motor of 2500kW rating, motor will draw around 60 to 80Amp per phase i.e. 1/3rd of FLC appx. Make sure to use feeder of rating proper rating to ensure uninterrupted power throughout the test duration. Also, motor is going to rotate, so proper care should be taken to mark the area surrounding the motor for caution.
Ensure actual CT Polarity is as marked on CT Terminals and scheme wiring
is done correctly.
As shown in setup scheme above, Test voltage is applied in between 'Circuit
breaker Cable Side' contact and 'Phase side' CT. AS previously mentioned,
Test voltage can be injected through 3 phase variac or directly of
Measurement points are marked in Capital Letters.
- A, B, C : Input current to Motors in B, Y, R phases respectively
- D, E, F : Phase side CT Secondary Currents of R, Y, B phases respectively
- G, H, I : Neutral side CT Secondary Currents of R, Y, B phases respectively
- J, K, L : Relay Current of R, Y, B phases respectively
Case 1 : Testing with Variac
- Set variac output to 0V
- Switch ON variac Input and start slowly increasing the output voltage
- Keep monitoring current at points A, B, C. All currents should be balance.
- Increase current slowly up to approximately 80% of the variac capacity i.e. 30Amp.
- Now, measure and note down currents at all point from "A" to "L".
- For CT of 300/1A ratio, CT secondary current will be 100mAmp in both sides of CT's and current through relay will be 0Amp.
Note Down Measurements |
If current through relay is not 0A, it implies one of the
following issues exists
- CT specifications are not matching
- CT Polarity are not proper
CT secondary wiring up to relay is not as required (i.e. CT
secondary phases might be interchanged or CT is shorted through link
or wrong wiring)
Case 2 : Testing without Variac
- Switch ON the power supply
- Motor will take current around 60 to 80Amps and will start rotating slowly
- Ensure balance current is flowing through motor by measuring current at location A, B, C.
- Measure and note down currents at all mentioned points.
Note Down Measurements |
Repeat the procedure in case there is current or no current in relay for verifying stability.
This concludes stability verification test of MV / HV motors.
Restore all shorting and setting changes to original before clearing for
trial run.
Similar approach can be utilized for improving IR value of motor with blocked rotor condition. It evenly heats the winding showing results in short duration. Current will be a bit higher than during test.
That's all folks.
See you in next blog . . .
Hi swapnil, nice description of the procedure, I just wanted to know for direct 3 phase 415 voltage injection how did you predict the current to be 60-80 amps, better if you show that calculation also.
ReplyDeleteI have conducted this test in field on many motors and so I know it. About calculations, I'll post it soon.
DeletePlease post for calculation please
DeleteThank you for your giving testing methods and please share calculation for current drawn by Motor if 3ph voltage applied condition. It's good all or please share that
ReplyDeleteSir, thanks for the comment. Working on the calculation. Will update the post with same
DeleteVery helpful ..thank you for sharing this
ReplyDeleteThank you